Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kibbutzim and Food!

It has been a whole week!! So much has happened, I don’t even know where to start. My life here, though unusually calm compared to my life in New York, has been very full. I started rehearsals for my piece here. I originally had the idea of expanding an old piece, but due to the fact that we only have 5 minutes to choreograph, I am going to start over next rehearsal and possibly create a piece about Kibbutzim.

Speaking of which… A few nights ago, we watched a video about the kibbutz movement. Kibbutz life reminds me of the whole American uptopian society/cult thing. It honestly creeped me out a bit. It basically seemed like the Kibbutznicks were creating a group of devout Zionists who all thought they were elite. I mean obviously there were good things happening on the kibbutz, but there is never any mention of the other side of things... Israel always seems to be 'perfect'. It's like pilgrims coming to the new world and forcing the Indians out. What about the people who were here before? Can't there be compromise? Anyhow, all the families/people on the Kibbutz that I’ve talked to have really enjoyed their lives on the Kibbutz. This is all fine and dandy, but I don’t know if I would want to be a permanent part of Kibbutz life.

On the food front: I have been eating extraordinarily well! The food is so fabulously fresh! I have had shaksukah quite a few times - a spiced tomato dish with egg – which is my absolute favorite. So this week, it is my goal to make only middle-eastern food. I started on this venture this morning and made quite a few delicious dishes. I started with my typical lentil dish (nothing too exciting, relatively speaking). Then I went on to make an eggplant, yogurt dish with garlic, scallions and lots of fresh mint. That was delicious! I finished with an ice tea with lemons from a few houses down and fresh mint. I plan to make shakshukah this week too! I have also stocked up on pita…. Last night I had dinner with a family on the kibbutz and they made fresh sage tea. I think I am going to try that as well if I can find the sage bush on the kibbutz. I also went for falafel (finally) on Thursday evening. It was the best stuff I have tasted to date. I had my first broken conversation in Hebrew with the shop owner. I told him we were from America and we were dancing in Ga’aton. I also understood that he wanted to give us coffee on the house. Baller! I am a winner! I am excited by the amount of Hebrew I am learning and using. Mitzuyan (wonderful!)!

Okay all! I am off. I am going to my friend’s for dinner. This week, I will be traveling to Jerusalem and then to Tel Aviv to see a performance by Inbal Pinto Dance Company. Cannot wait to see the two cities and some fabulous dancing!

Sending my love to all!
Marissa/ Mernie (/Tamar)

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